Welcome to the Scioto County provider support page. We are happy that you have chosen to help support individuals with developmental disabilities. The SCDD Provider Liaison is here to help support you with becoming a new provider, as well as, supporting existing providers. Please reach out to Kristi Cyrus, Provider Liaison, if you have any provider questions, at 740-354-3803 ext.(34570) or via email at
[email protected].
Are you interested in becoming a Direct Support Professional - DPS - who provide supports for individuals with developmental disabilities? There are two ways to be a provider. Independent or with an agency.
Independent provider applications are available at the Carousel Center front desk and Vern Riffe School main entrance.
Vern Riffe School
2619 Gallia st. Portsmouth,Ohio 45662
The Carousel Center
1112 Gallia st. Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
Should you prefer to work for an agency, please contact the provider liaison, who can assist in finding agencies that are looking for new staff members.
What is the difference between an independent provider and working for an agency?